Cherokee Park Elementary
Home of the Indians
Home of the Indians
Quick Links
Learner's Creed
I believe in myself to do my best and not waste this day. I will listen. I will think. I will read. I will write. I will do all these things with one purpose in mind — to do my best and not waste this day — for this day will not come anymore.
Mission Statement
Members of the Cherokee Park Elementary Community will function as a team to improve student achievement by requiring high expectations from all stakeholders.
Click on the photo for more information.
Black History Fun Run 2022
Saturday, February 19, 2022
10 AM – Noon
On-Site Registration
Mamie Hicks Community Center
200 Mayfair Drive / Shreveport, La
Learning is a lifelong process. It is a self-directed and self-paced journey of discovery. Education should be focused more on preparing students for lifelong learning. As long as we are alive, we are continually learning and the “journey” never ends.
2010 E. Algonquin Trail
Shreveport, La 71107
School Hours
M-F: 7:25 a.m. – 2:50 p.m.
- 7:25 a.m. – Students report to their classrooms.
- 7:25 a.m. – Tardy bell rings. Students must check in through the office.
- No checkouts after 2:00 p.m.
Phone & FAX
Phone: (318) 221-6782
Fax: (318) 221-1748